Saturday, November 28, 2009

Running together

It was freezing, FREEZING, today when we started the run.  I half-kiddingly asked Mojo if he wanted to just head in for some bacon and breakfast instead -- he wanted in but our dutiful selves waddled off for a 7-miler.  True, low 50s temperature may not see cold to some (e.g. Minesotans who spend ~5 months in subzero tempatures) but it was FREEZING to me.

Back to the run -- crystal blue sky and gorgeous view of the city along the embarcadero and Marina Green made us appreciative of where we get to live and run.  My hips troubled me from almost the beginning; think the soreness was from the Great Highway run earlier in the week.  I did okay until around mile 5 or so when soreness settled deep in the hips and my quads and back took up the slack, tiring quickly. 

Mojo was kind enough to stop often those last two miles.  This helped me get through the 7 miles relatively pain-free.  Looking to get / stay loose this last week before race day.

Great training season!  Loved getting to know Mojo in a different way; our friendship has grown via our usual IM-based communiques these past 6 years but there's something about sweating, struggling, running together that just bring friends closer together (and it's not because I was leaning into him for support!).  :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

No smoking while exercising

I missed the Turkey Trot run in the park with Kay this morning -- because I was in bed, snoring away, having disarmed the alarm (probably by slamming on it during one of my REM cycles).  Ever since my gum surgery last week, I've not run and have slept like a stone for 10 - 13 hours every night.  Recovery, it seems, takes time and a lot of sleeping. 

After slurping brunch (soft chicken pho is great for healing mouths) and building a new 'run' playlist, I tied on the shoes for my first run in over a week.  The Great Highway backdrop was sublime and diametric to the rap / hip hop music thumping through my headphones.  The headwind sucked; the tailwind rocked. 

The shins were fine today but the hips, especially the right one, were very tight.  Will need to put in a few runs this last week before the race to stay loose.  The six miles weren't painful nor hard, just not easy.  Good to see husband/waterboy on bike every so often; he makes me smile. 

To the gentleman who was taking a walk on the GH -- lighting up during your walk definitely diminishes any health benefit you might have gained.  But who am I to talk?  I'm about to snack on some fried chicken.  To each his own poison.  :-)