Saturday, November 14, 2009

Best husband ever

I have the best husband ever!

Mojo and I did our longest training for the Vegas Half today and Lee, the best husband ever, was our roving water station.  Armed with at least 4 books (how long did he think we'd take?!), he patiently waited at our 5 and 8 mile checkpoints with our water bottles. 

The day was overcast and misty when we started our run in the Marina but damn, it turned out to be one amazingly beautiful day by the time we crossed the Golden Gate bridge back into the Marina at mile 5.  See pics from Mojo's posting:

Miles 1 - 3 sucked: shins burned and burned and burned.
Miles 4 & 5 were FAST: freakin' Mojo and his downhill pace. 
Mile 5ish: awed by how beautiful the city looked with the Marina Green a deep emerald green in the foreground.
Mile 5 - 8: slower, chatty pace where Mojo and I...well, chatted.
Mile 9.8ish: started to book it with goal mileage in sight.
Mile 10ish: Mojo doesn't stop and keeps going.
Mile 10.1ish: cursing Mojo and spilling the Gatorade I was chugging, I keep running.
Mile 10.5ish: done running for the day!  Proud of us -- we did it and no one was limping, crying or both by the end of it.  Oh, and there was bacon.  Perfect.

Friday, November 13, 2009

5 in 64

I did 5 miles yesterday on the treadmill in 64 minuutes -- a 12.48 min / mile pace. 

Given how sore I am today, it certainly feels like I ran a lot faster than that.  I tried to keep at the 12 min / mile pace for most of the time with spikes of 10.5 min / mile and 11 min / mile stretches thrown in there. 

Am excited and anxious about the 10 miles we're doing tomorrow.  It's suppose to cold and sunny, great conditions for a loooooong run.  :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Intervals / booking it

Back on the treadmill today for intervals.  23 minutes into it, my stomach was growling and I was feeling faint.  38 minutes into it, I was booking it at a 10 min / mile pace and my right foot doing its weird heavy thumper step.  40 minutes into it, I was happy to ease into my cooldown.  A few hours later, I'm happily slurping ice cream on the couch. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I did not want to go out for a run today.  I wanted to nap or watch tv or god forbid, work.  Anything but run.

But, Mojo flaunted how easy his run was today which meant that he actually ran.  I had to show off that show-off!  :-)

As reluctant as I was to be out there in the cold, I didn't miss how beautiful the various shades of gray were in the clouds, fog, mist from the waves, water hitting the sand, gravel on the running path. 

The scenery was alluring but I didn't finish up the scheduled 5 miles because daylight was fading fast and there were people out there on the path that I did not want to be with in the dark.  Happy with the 3+ miles and short walk breaks and beautiful run.