Saturday, October 10, 2009

Long run

A good long run this morning with Mojo & Grace.  The company was great -- how does Grace run and chatter at the same time?! -- and so was the hot chocolate with sour cream (yes, try it!). 

I am not in fine form but loved that we were out there plugging along together.  My thighs were achy from the hill run yesterday.  My lower back was really tight towards the end.  Need to squeeze in more stretchening and maybe a yoga class or two.

Rest day tomorrow!

Pic of Grace & I today -- look at my stride -- I'm going so slowly, I'm barely picking up my feet. 


After a pitiful week, I managed to get out for a 4-miler (according to Google Maps; 4.6 miles according to Nike+ -- I trust Google Maps) out by the ocean. 

I barely noticed the beautiful sunset and beach-scape during the first two miles.  They were not fun.  Not fun.  Reminded once again that I train because I don't like to be uncomfortable or in pain. 

The last two miles were better.  Proud that I slogged through the last mile home uphill without stopping.  Sure, a kid on a tricycle could have been faster but I didn't stop!  :-)

I have a running date with Mojo in about 8 hours.  Wish me luck and no muscle cramps.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Still no run this week.  Debated with myself and the devil with roast duck dinner won while the angel with the running shoes on lost. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

Holy crap

Just looked at the training plan and I'm really behind!  Time to get serious now.  9 weeks to go.