Saturday, November 7, 2009

Don't try this at home

I completed the scheduled 9-miler around the lake with Mojo today. 

I shouldn't have because I didn't run the whole week.  I shouldn't have, my shins told me for the first 3 or 4 miles. 

Even after the shin pain eased up, I was feeling really tired and struggled to stay loose.  The whole right side of my body was tight; my shoulder and back ached as my body compensated for the pained right shin. 

Mojo and I stayed together for most of the first 4.5-mile loop but I quickly lagged behind after we started the second loop.  I was having an off day and had to focus all my willpower just to finish so did not have any strength to keep up with Mojo as he chased spandex behinds (his true motivation today, I think!). 

No more long runs without weekday runs to keep the body loose and warmed up.  Dumb move on my part today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Spent the last two days pacing and standing for hours at a work conference.  Am tight and sore in the lower back, hamstrings, calves and feet.  It's as if I put in a super long run rather than shuffle for 4 or 5 hours at a time. 

Have also been sucking down everything in sight and am sitting here debating how big of a piece of Barbara's birthday apple pie I should have.  :-) 

Do I do the right thing or do the right thing for now for my tummy?

Monday, November 2, 2009

A sunny, lonely run

Without my usual running buddies, I delayed my long run until Sunday.  It was a beautiful day -- sun, clear and warm.

I ran up the Great Highway and through the park and circled back a bit for the 8-miler.  Running in the park is just so soothing.  I loved all the shades of greens and browns.  I loved seeing other runners out there -- some zipping by while others shuffled along.  I loved letting all the random thoughts come in and out of my head without worrying about what I need to do about them.  It was a good running day...

Except that I felt like crap the first 3 miles and wanted to stop.  I missed my friends (I've always run along but Shannon, Grace and Mojo have now spoiled me) and had no one to chat with as I huffed and puffed. 

In the end, I had a good run.  A bit of hip soreness and back tightness but no pain to speak of.  Looking forward to this week's runs!